DIY: Lace Doily Envelopes & Envelope Liners

Photo via Ruffled

Head on over to the Ruffled Blog and get the How-To of these pretty Lace Doily Envelopes.

I think square doilies might not be that easy to get, so far i have only seen the round ones in stores. But you could make your own with regular or colored printer paper or scrapbooking paper and a border punch. 

Now if you think that Lace Envelopes are too much work or do not match your style you might like Glue Gun Annie's tutorial for lined envelopes. Those are an inexpensive and super easy option to glam up your stationary and the possibilities are endless.

Photo by GlueGunAnnie

REVIEW: Christmas 2010

We had a white christmas in 2010, yay!!

Our tree:


So many gifts for the kids and family

Driving was really scary that day and we were seriously thinking about turning round and driving back home. There was too much snow on the road, snowdrifts and black ice. We made a short stop to refuel and grab a burger. And i won another one :)

Sister's tree:


Our gifts:

Christmas Dinner:

Oh, i almost forgot that i participated at a Christmas Card Swap in 2010. So much fun! I can't wait for this year's Card Swap!

And MisterT won this amazing state-of-the-art cellphone at his work party's christmas tombola. Awesome :D

After christmas we got more snow. I love snow!! And the birds love our little birdhouse.

NYE snapshots:


Welcome 2011! Welcome Wedding Year!!