DIY-Tutorial: Bridal Bouquet Preservation Artwork #2

Here's another tutorial about how to turn your wedding flowers into an individual piece of artwork.


- dried bouquet ( this time i used yellow tulips)
- paint brush and sponge
- acrylic paint in turquoise, yellow, red and green
- Mod Podge ( or similar)
- large sheet of paper matching the size of the bouquet ( or a canvas)

The best way to dry tulips is to just let them sit in the vase until the blossoms are completely dry. Pay attention to the water though and pour away when it turns dull, otherwise it might mold.

1. To create a contrasting background, mix blue acrylic paint with a drob of water, dunk in a paintbrush and splash the paint onto the paper/ canvas. No need to be precise, just feel and act like a five-year-old again, whee!

2. Let dry, then use a sponge to cover the entire surface with Mod Podge.

3. Now carefully place the bouquet on top of the paper and immediately press it down with a flat and solid item. Smart people use a book, unprepared dummies grab the next best thing they can find ( e.g. a paint brush package).
Make sure all the petals get in contact with the Mod Podge

4. Up next, dab the flowers with Mod Podge. It is important that all the petals keep sticking to the paper/ canvas, otherwise they will fall down once you hang your piece of artwork.

Let dry completely for ca. 1-3 hours. In the meantime, wash your sponge and paintbrush.

4. Now you can paint the flowers.
Mix different hues to achieve a vivid and more realistic look. In addition to yellow i applied a red color to make my flowers look like parrot tulips.
For the stems, start with a dark green and put some highlights with a brighter shade.

5. Again, let the paint dry completely.

6. As a final step, insert the sheet of paper into a glassless frame and hang it up.

And that's it!