In the mood for Pastel Spring

Today i am starting a new series called the "In the mood for..."; a collage of my favorite finds from around the web dedicated to a certain theme or color range. From fashion and beauty to home decor, food and travel. Simply anything that comes to my mind, anything i am in the mood for.

The first day of spring could not have been more beautiful, weather-wise. The sun was shining, the sky was blue, and 20°C made me want to burn all my black and grey clothes, scarfs, gloves and boots immediately.
While the last two days had been all grey and rainy again, i am totally in the mood for a pastel spring outfit.

 photo pastelspring.jpg

Scarf by Accessorize, Blazer by TopShop, Umbrella by Forever21, Rain Boots by TedBaker, Belt by H&M, Bangle by H&M, Skirt by H&M, Pants by Selected Femme via Zalando, Clutch by Accessorize, Wedges by Ruche

DIY: Dip-Dye Watercolor Tissue Tassel Garland


Today i show you how to make a watercolor dip-dye tassel garland, and create a unique look in your favorite color to match any room or party theme perfectly.
The possibilites are endless, and you can either hang the garland horizontally, vertically or use it as a ballon tassel.

Happy Sunday

February was a very busy month. This is my review in pictures.

1. Another DIY print:

2. What kept me so super busy, aside from my full-time job and my Etsy shop, was this great opportunity to contribute decoration for the Hopespoken event in Dallas in March. I made 20 balloon tassels, 30 giant paperflowers, confetti, and 250 DIY business cards.

3. New glasses:

4. Tulips:

More tulips

5. And drying tulips the good old-fashioned way

6. New pillow covers for the bedroom

7. I participated in the Minimalistchallenge. One day 1, i deleted my Twitter account. After 15 days, i stopped taking photos. Read more about my motivation here

8. After almost three months, the new "thanks" tags for my shop have finally arrived.

9. February was inofficial donut month. Can you guess my favorites?

10. We had lots of ice, but no snow. Lovely frost pattern on Smarty's windshield

Cheers to March, an early spring and a happy Sunday!