REVIEW: South Beach/ Miami Vacation 2008 Part III

This post is a collection of random snapshots.
You know, the usual crappy must-have photos that are totally senseless and not really worth watching, yet you take them as a little refresher of all the details that otherwise would fade from memory quickly. It's nice to look at them again a few years later and a huge help to recall the moments.

I am talking about stuff like that:

Stupid picture but it reminds me of the peppermint ice frappuccino, a christmas special at Starbucks.

The next picture has a special meaning though. On our flight to London we could spot our old hometown in the distance and that was indeed quite exciting.

Filthy A319:

Her Majesty, the Boeing 747:

Now, why do i take pictures of the airplane meals? Well like i said, mainly to support my old little brain.
And because i'm biased and love everything related to airplanes and flying, even the lousy food.

Moreover, i am terribly bored as a passenger and taking photos is the only useful activity that comes to my mind.
Watching the map is a great amusement as well and taking pictures of the map is even better!

Rancid old galley:

Coach vs Business Class:

The hotel:

Distance to the beach: less than 1 minute

How to fix a problem in 10 seconds. Respect to the person who did that:

 Blurry food impression:

 Must-see vehicles:

  Shopping results:

I don't think i could ever deal with a hot and sunny christmas. It's weird.

At the beach:

And the worst picture of all, the blurry mess:

But it reminds me of the taxi ride to our hotel the night we arrived in Miami. Looking at the photo makes me feel all excited and overwhelmed by all those new impressions again. It makes me recall how MisterT and i giggled and "wow"ed all the way to South Beach. And that's the reason i don't delete crappy shots. That's the reason why a photo doesn't have to be technically perfect ( or why technical perfection doesn't automatically turn it into a great one)
Photography is art but it is also my medium to capture moments and evoke emotions and wonderful memories!

Time to go back home via Newark with a nice view of Manhattan:

Oh, i almost forgot to mention one important thing.
I was so excited about our flight to Miami that i checked the airport's flight status the day before and wondered why "our" plane did not make the flight that day. Normally it takes off at 9am, returns at 7am the next day and takes off again two hours later. Hmm, strange. What was going on??
Next morning at the check-in we were told that the plane had a technical issue, the flight had to be cancelled and therefore our flight was hopelessly overbooked as yesterday's passengers had priority. We were asked to change our booking and take a later flight via London with British Airways instead via Newark with Continental. As a reward we would get a restaurant voucher to bridge the time ( 3 hours) and a Continental voucher at 600 US Dollar each. Well helloooo, guess what we did!!
And that leads us to the next vacation review...