DIY: Scarecrow Wreath

Hey Blogland, i've got news for you: it is NOT halloween yet!

How come last week everyone posted photos of their pedicured feet in front of a blue pool and a drink in their hands, and this week we see their pictures of perfectly decorated Halloween mantles. Blogland, you’re crazy, or what??
Why don't we all run to the next grocery store right now and buy christmas chocolate already. But let's not forget to bring a cooling bag to prevent the chocolate from melting on our way home...

Sure, the really hot days are over, but, and this is a big BUT ( and i cannot lie): it is still summer after all, and we're right in the middle of a season so beautiful, that it deserves to be a season of its own. I'm talking about what i call the "Golden Season": the transition from the last late summer days into early fall, with a color palette more striking than any other all through the year. 

The heat has gone, but it is still warm. The sun is not as bright and glaring as it used to be, and when it sets down in the late afternoon hours, it says "goodnight" to us with stunning orange and golden reflections everywhere. The leaves are slowly turning yellow and light brown, and again in the late afternoon hours, the trees seem to be surrounded by a heavenly golden glow. 

This is such a magical time ( aside from occasional rainy days), don't you all agree? And don't you agree that, with this scenery in mind, this is not the time for bloody zombie hands, hungry skeletons, black spiders and evil witches yet? In a few weeks, ok. But not this month, ok?!

So while i am slowly, veeeeryyyy sloooowlyyyy storing away my summer decoration and prepare for fall, i had this idea for a new wreath, inspired by the vision of broad fields and farms dipped in golden late summer/ early fall sunlight. And what's a good farm without a mighty scarecrow, right?

At first, i removed the paper flowers from my summer wreath

My actual idea was to wrap the ring with straw, but i was too lazy to climb upstairs to the attic, where the straw is kept in one of my Halloween boxes ( it's not Halloween yet, remember?). So i used yellow gingham fabric and burlap instead.

Then i let my Cameo cut this scarecrow shape from the Silhouette Online Store. 

Instead of cutting cardstock in different colors/ patterns, I liked to idea of dressing Mister Crowy with "real" clothes, so i cut little pants, a shirt and a little hat from fabric pieces. 

Oh, and i found two tiny buttons in my stash. Aren't they cute?

Next, i added dried flowers and some straw stuff that i found in my seasonal decoration drawer
A bit of hot glue, et voilĂ : my late summer/ early fall scarecrow wreath.

It will hang on our front door until Halloween ( next month, please, Blogland. For now, let's all enjoy this precious "golden season" and the beautiful first signs of fall, ok?!)