Sunny Summer Sunday

After four days of non-stop helicopter noise and police/emergency sirens, we were rewarded with the finest ( and quiet) summer Sunday as a compensation for that insane G20 madness. So we finally took our bikes for the first tour this year. 

Not wanting to go too far, we simply followed the Wandse, not expecting much. And it was wonderful!

Every good day starts with a good outfit, right? My 90's style might be questionable for most people, but 1. it's comfortable and 2. I DON'T CARE!

First stop after 5 minutes. I had to change shoes. Wisely assuming that sandals might quickly become too slippery, I had packed a pair of flats. I hate squeezing my poor feet into closed shoes during summer, but they're so much better for riding the bike.

Next stop Eichtalteich. I didn't expect to see so much beautiful nature, so I left my camera at home. These phone photos are all a bit blurry and pixelated.
Anyway, look at these roots! And there are trees growing not by but IN the water! Can you see the gray heron? Amazing!

Baby duckies!!

One of many cute little streets with cute little houses

We discovered the sweetest and most colorful little botanical garden.

If there had not been a cluster of banana plants in the entry, we would have passed without a glance. I'm glad we entered, because it's my new favorite spot. So pretty!

Hubby took a break from the sun, and I went exploring.

An OASIS!! So bright and lush and tropical. And quiet!

Additionally, they have an adorable little green house. 

And a plant pound, where you can either leave, trade, or adopt plants. So cute. Someone had left a giant monstera plant; so sad I couldn't take it. But there was a Crassula instead. Quite big but still just small enough for my bicycle basket :)

A quick bite, before we continue to our final destination, Ostender Teich. I forgot to take photos, because at this point I was a bite tired, and my behind hurt from the cheap unpadded saddle. Moreoever it was a little challenge to keep balance on the small winding paths through the wilderness. You can't tell from the photos, but there are many crossroads and quite some traffic. Anyway, it was even more beautiful than the Eichtalpark. 

Sonnenweg. The name says it all. The prettiest quaint little street. I want to buy a house there! 

Around the pond, and then the same way back home, with a short break at the Staatsarchiv, where photography obsession meets architecture obsession. 

I am truly blessed with a very patient husband!

The perfect end of a perfect day.

It took only 12 years to try Livotto. LOL!