DIY: Easy Black Straw Halloween Wreath

Total material costs: ca. 3€ ( not counting the basics like wire, tape and hot glue)

Time: less than 30 minutes

Level of difficulty: Easy

Materials/ Tools:

- Straw ( "Small Animal Straw" from a pet shop is probably the cheapest option ( at least if you live in a city and don't have access to nature)
- Old newspaper
- Wire
- Black Spray Paint
- Sticky Tape
- Hot Glue Gun
- Scissors
- Raffia
- Mixing Bowl 
- Wool or twine or anything that you want to use to hang up the wreath.
- Stapler
- Embellishments

I used leftover fabric/ button flowers that i made for a bouquet a while ago + Scrapbooking Letters + Halloween Stickers
( bought on clearance)


You know that most people freak out over the sound of fingernails scratching on chalkboard. That's how i feel about styrofoam. I cannot stand its squeaky texture at all therefore i do not buy styrofoam rings or balls.
I use old newspaper instead, which is also more eco-friendly and goes easy on my budget as it doesn't cost anything.

How to build the base of the wreath:

- Roll two double pages of newspaper, twist each of them slightly and wrap them around the mixing bowl. You can do it freehand but i use a bowl to make sure i get a proper round shape. One from above and one from below:

My sketch is brilliant, isn't it??

-  It's hard to see but the ends of each paper "string" will overlap. Twist them around each other, stick them together with the sticky tape and keep wrapping until the ring is covered with tape completely

- Don't forget the string if you plan to hang up the wreath. I used a piece of wool, wrapped it around the ring a few times and knotted it tightly.

The next step is to cover the wrap with straw.

- Grab a handful of straw and twist it around the ring.
- Hold it with one hand and tightly wrap the wire around the straw with your other hand.
- Continue clockwise until the ring is covered completely, then trim the straw with scissors.
- Spray-paint the wreath and let it dry thoroughly. Give it a second coat of paint if necessary.
 Please note: Spray-paint should not be used indoors at it could ruin your furniture/ floor/ walls and leaves a sharp smell. Wear a breathing mask to protect your health.

- Pull out three or four strings of raffia and knot their ends together
- Staple to the bottom side of the wreath and wrap it around. Again, staple the end of the strings to the bottom of the wreath
- Lastly heat up the hot gun and glue on your embellishments

And that's it!

This project is linked to some of my favorite Link Parties and i'm also linking up to the 31 days of Spray Paint challenge at the DIY Club and The CSI Project's Fall Wreath Challenge.
