Recipe: Easy-peasy Ice Chocolate

Today i am sharing one of my secret family recipes: Ice Chocolate

Ok, i'm kidding, this is not really a recipe but my father used to make frozen Nutella blobs when i was a child and i still love them.
All you need is Nutella ( or similar), a spoon, a plate and a freezer

Put a spoonful of Nutella onto the plate. It's quite sticky so you might have to use another spoon or knife or your finger to scrape it off.

Now put the plate into your freezer and let it freeze overnight. And... that's it.
You can use powdered sugar as decoration but it tastes good enough without.


P.S. Don't forget to lick the spoon once you're finished. You don't want to waste any precious Nutella, do you??

DIY: Birdcage Veil Video Tutorial

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To me a video tutorial is so much clearer and easier to understand than just some photos.

Michaels has a nice selection of great DIY videos on their website and Facebook page, including a Birdcage Veil How-to

 Click here: Wedding Veil