My art teacher in school ( long time ago) lived a lonely life hidden deep in the countryside, spending his time carving faces into tree trunks. Spooky, right?
He was the kind of guy being referred to as crazy and we always made fun of him and called him all kinds of not so nice names. Today i would just call him eccentric and unique.
I don't remember the details but i do recall that we were an overly confident bunch of wanna-be adults and ended up with a letter from the principal being sent to our parents because we had left the teacher's classroom after a hefty debate about his inappropriate behaviour and refused to go to the local art gallery the same day.
So, this man made us draw and paint and create the weirdest things which i usually did not like at all but still managed to get a good result despite my aversion.
One day we entered the class room which he had already prepared for a new project and there were animal skulls everywhere. Skulls of cattle, monkeys and cute little creatures like squirrels or such. That seventeen-year old girl felt the urge to vomit but my disgust was immediately overpowered by fear: the fear of losing my hard earned 15 points ( A+ or 1+) that i had scored by creating a Plaster of Paris sculpture that was good enough to be exhibited in the art gallery mentioned before.
And so i grabbed my charcoal and began to draw skulls. And i got another 15 points and an exhibition for my drawings. And i hated them so much that i hid them in the backmost corner of my room for many years.
I rediscovered the drawings when MisterT and i moved into our previous appartment in 2008. And i liked them! So much that i put them into matching frames and displayed them on our wall.
Today I am grateful for being given the chance to draw something more sophisticated and challenging than the usual flowers and geometric shapes.
Thank you Mister G. for being my teacher. I still think you were a moron but thanks for standing out and staying true to yourself.