My week in review:
1. We had to buy a new mixer. But technically i did not break my no-shopping promise, 1. because MisterT was the one who purchased and paid for it ( he does not want to participate in my no-shopping experience, but that's ok, he rarely buys stuff anyway) and 2. because our old mixer had been broken for several months and we needed a new one badly.
2 . I made chocolate muffins ( aww, so super easy now that i don't have to stir the ingredrients by hand any more )
3. My 1-year employment contract got renewed and turned into a permant contract.
4. Look who came by for a visit on Saturday morning right in front of our living room window:
That cute little guy kept observing MisterT and me for 2-3 minutes while we were sitting at our desks- just enough time to grab my camera and take some halfway decent photos through the window blinds. Then he got either bored or annoyed by the paparazzi and rushed away within a second.
5. I received my tax refund. 537,07€ are not that much, but not bad either, and every cent extra is highly appreciated. Thank you Sweeto for doing my tax return every year!
6. Spring flowers and blossoms are finally beginning to bloom after a very long and cold winter. I did not have the opportunity to take photos yet, but all those beautiful shades of yellow, white, green and pink fill my little heart with joy. It looks wonderful!
7. We had Mister Hang for dinner again, but this time i could not manage to eat the full serving so we ate the leftovers the following day. It does sound gross for sure, but cold duck meat tastes delicious.