...Pumpkins scream in the dead of night....
Halloween is no big thing here, hence i don't feel the need to decorate in a Martha-impressing style, even though i love this spooky day. I displayed the usual cheap old stuff and combined it with a few new handmade items. All in all my decoration looks probably more like a kid's creation rather than the work of a skilled adult, but hey, we are not hosting a haunting party or trying to win a scare-the-crap-out-of-you contest.
MisterT and i like it.
The TV shelf serves as our mantle alternative:
The Spoo-Key dinner table corner:
My DIY straw wreath:
I recently rediscovered this very old window dummy hand in my junk box and attached some black plastic halloween nails that i have been keeping for years.
The friendly door witch:
Pumpkin doormat from Ikea:
Little gift for MisterT, a fancy Halloween flashlight that i found on clearance for 10 cents:
Last but not least my "Old Navy" pumpkin socks. I bought them on clearance for 25 cents instead of $5.
Always buy anti-seasonal! Happy Halloween!