Working on...

Bridal Bouquet and Centerpieces made of Kusudama Origami Paper Flowers

Grillzeit! ( BBQ)

Looks like summer is here already, and that means it is time to BRING OUT THE GRILL!!

Awww, finally! Missed it so much!

Custom Order: Felt& Paper Bridal Bouquet

Finished and Shipped! ( The matching hair flowers and boutonnieres are not pictured)

Working on...

a custom order of a pink and green bridal bouquet with paper and felt flowers. Such an awesome color combo! Even my husband totally fell in love with it and can't stop staring at the flowers :))


Isn't this tulip bouquet adorable? Two of my ( now former) co-workers gave it to me on my last day at work. This is such a wonderful gesture, especially because we only knew each other and worked with each other for four weeks.
Thank you S. and T.!

One month later

So, it has been almost month since my last blog post. Why? Because my new job keeps me busy and the only thing i am able to do in the evenings is to fall onto the couch to rest my legs, eat and watch TV.
It's a nice job that allows me to craft while being at work from time to time, like making these sets of wedding stationery:

However, i already quit to start a great new adventure in a hotel next week. Can't wait!

What else happened?

- MisterT will be starting a new job with another company in September, which is great too. Not only is it a much better paid position, but it also means that he doesn't have to get up at 4am in the morning anymore.

 - some of my creations were exhibited at the "Etsy Weddings Showroom", but i forgot my camera at home hence did not take any photos. You can see some here:

- my shop is doing well, but as much as i love creating items for brides, i want to add more non-wedding and beach-themed stuff within the next few months

- the premier german issue of Martha Stewart Living is quite disappointing

And more photos of my crafts at work ( taken with my crappy six year old cellphone's camera ):

Working on...

a black and yellow feather bouquet tonight