No-Sugar Avocado Chocolate Mousse Recipe

🥑 What looks like poop in a mug is the world's best and easiest sugar-free dessert🥑

 It's not sweet but has a very rich and deep chocolate taste.

Ingredients: ( serves 2)
1 avocado
1/4 cup cacao
1/4 cup maple syrup
1/4 cup milk.

Combine everything in a bowl, puree, fill into mugs or small bowls, put in the fridge for 2-3 hours. Yummy!

Avocado Schoko Pudding: 
1 avocado, 1/4 cup Kakao, 1/4 cup Ahornsirup, 1/4 cup Milch. Alles pürrieren, in Tassen füllen, im Kühlschrank für 2-3 Stunden kalt stellen. Lecker! ( nicht süß  sondern sehr schokoladig herb) 


I will never get tired of visiting this city in the city. It is a constantly changing never-ending construction zone progress; no two days are the same and there is ALWAYS something new to discover.