DIY Weekend

This weekend will be full of DIY projects. I plan to make another dried flower canvas with the tulips i bought last week and i have a few ideas how to reuse old dryer sheets.

Last night i made another fabric cake topper for my Etsy shop and i think it turned out super cute. If no one buys it ( and that will most likely be the case) i'm going to include it in our wedding scrapbook album.

But i just cannot decide if i should make it a large book or a handy journal.

Can you belive that i have been living with MisterT for eight years now and he never mentioned that he owns an engraving tool??
It came up in a random conversation about our attic stuff a few days ago and i almost freaked out when he mentioned it. I already tested it on a piece of wood and it is amazing! The possibilities are endless and now i want to engrave everything!! I can't wait to try it on glass but have to buy some goggles first ( they are one of the very few items my husband does not own).

Looks like i will be quite busy the next two days. What are your plans for the weekend?