Ribbon, tons of ribbon, 10 cents each! Some even for 5 because the sales person thought 10 is too much for a small piece of ribbon. Mind you, i bought them in a normal retail store and not a thrift store or flea market. That lady was too cute.
And a few days ago i found a pretty frame that will soon be turquoise, another wooden "Beach House" sign ( dito on the turquoise) and something else, but i can't remember what it was...
MisterT and i are celebrating our first wedding anniversary next sunday, and still have no idea how to spend that day.
Our actual plan was to fly to Warsaw ( i won the trip) and spend the entire weekend in a luxury hotel. Well, that was before we realized that our anniversary would be on Easter Sunday and to be honest, easter in one of the most catholic countries doesn't sound like heaps of fun. I mean, we are no party people but exploring a new city doesn't make much sense when all the shops and restaurants are closed and everyone is either in church or sitting at home with their families.
Then i thought with spring finally being here why not have a picnic instead. I already made some meal plans and imagined how we would sit on a blanket and enjoy the sunshine. A wonderful and inexpensive idea, until yesterday, when all of a sudden we were hit by a short snow storm and now the temperatures are back to winter mode again. Gnarrrrr.
So now we have less than one week left and still no plan. MisterT says he wouldn't mind if we invited my parents to spend the easter weekend with us, but i don't want that. I would agree if it was our second or third anniversary, but this is our first, last and one and only "1st anniversary" ever and i want this day to be special.
By the way, in honor of this day i am having an Anniversary Sale in my Etsy shop with 20% off all finished bridal bouquets. I assume most of you are already married, but i thought i'd let you know just in case anyone knows someone who perhaps knows someone else who needs a bridal bouquet.