DIY: Eyeglass Case Makeover
My eyeglass case had this awful dark blue color. One of the very few colors that i totally don't care for. Inspired by several pins ( this, this and this) i finally decided to give it a makeover with turquoise paint.
The case has a very strange surface; like a faux synthetic leather with a silky finish. And although i used a sponge, the first coat of paint did not turn out very well:
For the second coat, i dabbed the color with the tip of the sponge.
I really like that crumbly effect and the new color, but it looked a bit plain and i wasn't sure about what else to do with it. I could have covered it with fabric, lace or glitter, but i am not so much that girly type of woman. Moreover i did not want to copy the makeovers i had pinned, but rather come up with my own idea that is more "me".
"Me" means: simple, straightlined and stripes. I LOVE stripes! Not because they seem to be very trendy right now, but i have always loved them. We have striped pillow covers, striped rugs, bedding, tea towels, curtains, table runners, and striped whatnot. Even my wedding dress was striped!
So, i wanted stripes on my case, yellow stripes. Bright yellow duct tape stripes.
Affixing the tape was bit tricky because of the case's curved shape, and while writing this post i realize that i forgot to seal the paint with Crystal Clear Spray.
Anyhow, isn't the difference amazing?
This project is linked up to my favorite Linky Parties