Happy Sunday

Finding seven positive things is extremely difficult this week. But this is exactly the reason i brought back Happy Sunday: as a challenge to myself, so that i acually sit down and force myself to ignore the negative aspects and concentrate on some good ones instead.

Ok, i'll try:

1. You can find me on Instagram now! Still trying to figure out how it works- a nightmare for people of my age, lol. 

2. I finally, finally, finally have a cake stand- thank you so much MisterT! 

Photo by Tchibo

3. MisterT finished reading the book i gave him on christmas, and decided to grow a new kind of mustache

4. Cutting one's finger is not a bad thing if you have a fancy funky clown band-aid

5. I started decluttering. It's a long and seemingly neverending process, but i already managed to throw out tons of some empty boxes and unused glassware.
6. We have 10€ left to buy groceries for the rest of this month- but that's ok, we can make it...
7. ...with a fridge full of pudding, thanks to The Coupon King ( aka my husband)